
“I work in the scale house, I weigh trucks of course. I’m also the dispatcher, so I let the truck drivers know when they need to change fields and when they have to start going to the new fields. We have 10 trucks on our run here and some of them are outside drivers and they don’t know where the fields are, so I give them directions. I make sure they all have everything they need. I make sure they all have food and I keep the coffee on. If they need a part then I make sure someone gets the part and the shop is ready for them. I also visit with everyone who comes to the scale house. The Simplot people come here every morning to find out how many loads were brought in the previous day, how many ton. I enter that all into the computer and let them know. There are guys in here from Simplot, McCain and Lamb Weston. When it’s not harvest time, I take my turn in the kitchen and the canning. We grow all our own vegetables so I do some work in the garden. We have a large pumpkin patch and one of the local schools brings a class out here for pumpkins.”

#agriculdture #hutteriancolony

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