
“I raised pigs when I was a kid and now I am raising them along with my kids who take them to the fair. I am also the Pig 4-H leader. Right now I have three sows and too many piglets to count. I do sell the piglets, some for 4-H and some to people who raise them for the meat. But it’s the farrowing that I love. I don’t think people realize how smart pigs are. They are fairly easy for the kids to train. Pigs are also clean animals, they have a specific place in their pen that they poop and if they have room it will be at the far end of their pen away from their barn. They like to be in the mud to keep cool not to be dirty. My kids have learned so much being out here with the pigs.

I had a stroke a year ago. I am so blessed to not have any after-effects. I found out that I have a blood disorder so I am on blood thinner. The pigs are my therapy, always have been. I feel good when I am out here working with them. I always smell like a pig, but I love the smell. I’m not sure my husband agrees with that, but this is where I am calm and where I feel good.”

#agriculture #pigs #4H #4Hleader #pigtherapy

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